Bri Anna Kelley started here in Salem the first week of August with one 45 footer, two 48 footers and two 32 footers STUFFED with over 200 individual pros or partial pros of OS&D and/or salvage. In 6 weeks, she has whittled ALL of the OS&D down to two photos and accompanying docs by herself!
100% accounted for and disposition either confirmed or pending or approved. This is in addition to every other manner of work she is assigned….which is a LOT.
In my 25 years of doing this, I find this level of excellence so RARE- that it needed to be put to pen.
This is Silver Oak Leaf level work.
She has shown in very short order, the caliber of work she delivers daily. I cant thank Lance and Kevin enough for the chance and patience to get this level of employee. She is truly exceptional.
Thank you Bri for showing the true spirit of an Oak Harbor Freight Lines Employee!
Steve Justice
Terminal Manager – Salem
Logistics Specialist – Salem/ SW Portland