Shout out to Shelia McConville for her quick-thinking when Pasco received a mislabeled pallet which resulted in a good day for some dogs in need. Read below to hear her account of the story!
Pasco terminal received a pallet of Styrofoam containers labeled to multiple PetSmart stores in error. I reached out to the shipper Phillips Pet for disposition, I was told it contained perishable pet food & to dispose of it. I asked instead to donate the food since it was still viable on ice to our local humane society & they approved whole heartily.
We didn’t have room in our breakroom refrigerator, so to keep the food cold I transported the containers to my home & stored them in my extra garage refrigerator until I would make arrangements with the humane society on the weekend to receive the donation on my own personal time outside from work. Which I didn’t mind doing since it benefited animals 😊