January 30, 2025

The Dispatcher

Oak Harbor Freight Lines – Newsletter

Introducing Oak Harbor University

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level up with oak harbor university

In partnership with Axonify, we are taking your training to the next level with improved ease of access and an engaging learning experience.

We are thrilled to introduce Oak Harbor University (OHU), our new learning platform! OHU provides insightful data on compliance, participation, and performance, helping us achieve our goals of building a learning culture and ensuring regulatory compliance.

OHU is designed for the way people actually learn. More than simply a training site, it’s a platform that builds employee knowledge, which improves behavior and performance to impact our bottom line.

Through this platform, Managers can communicate important messages to their teams, track completion, and benefit from improved onboarding processes. Employees can easily navigate required compliance training and take advantage of a large library of self-directed learning opportunities.

What Employees need to do:
Update your password and security questions.
Ensure all your details are correct.
See if you have any compliance or regulatory training due and start your learning journey!

February 3rd, Official Launch

Jan. 29th is the last day to access the Learning Center. Get in early and update your password and security questions and begin your learning.
Initial login details:
Username: Employee Number (no leading 0s)
Temporary Password: Welcome1

Start Your Training From the Jump!

Have access to all of your Compliance and Regulatory training starting Day One! With more trainings, videos, and learning experiences to come.

Pardon Our Dust...

We will be continuously updating the platform, so be sure to check in frequently to see what we have in store for you!

Thanks for your support of this exciting new program. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Oak Harbor University team at ohu@oakh.com.