Contributed by: Mike Apodaca, WVL/MTV Terminal Manager, and Brad Barrows, WVL Operations Supervisor Please welcome WVL’s newest Team Member as...
Breaking Bread
Jason Feng, WVL P&D Jason Feng was born in China and moved to the United States by himself at 16...
Marcus Windham AUB Dock Marcus Windham moved to Puyallup, WA from Arizona with his mother. Marcus worked as a Security...
Wendell "Troy" Johnson MTV Dock Please meet Wendell “Troy” Johnson, who was hired as MTV Dock. While Breaking Bread with...
Jorge Molina WVL P&D Jorge was born in El Salvador and moved to the United States when you was just...
David Bolin - MTV Driver David has been married to his wife, Roberta, for twelve years with nine children. During...
Jose Fernando Valenzuela Rodriguez – “Fernando” Fernando lives in Burien with his wife, whom he has 3 children with. He...